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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that I ought to tell what...

From the February 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that I ought to tell what Christian Science has done for me. In one week's treatment I was cured of a bowel trouble of over fifteen years' standing. I had also suffered many years from gall-stones, had several doctors at different times, but they could only relieve the suffering. One Sunday morning the pains came on so very bad that I asked my husband to call a neighbor who was a Christian Scientist, and by her understanding of Truth I was relieved of all pain quicker than medicine had ever helped me. This was over three years ago, and I have not been troubled with gall-stones since. Several other ailments I have been able to overcome without calling on a practitioner.

In July, 1910, an attack of rheumatism presented itself, and it was so severe that I had to ask the help of a practitioner. The illness was slow in yielding, but Truth triumphed in the end, and I can now walk as well as ever and do all my own housework. When I began the study of Christian Science I had a quantity of medicine which I thought I could not do without, but one day I destroyed it all, and since then I have relied on the power of Truth whenever error has put forth its false claim. I earnestly desire more of the truth, and I am indeed thankful for what Christian Science has done for me.—

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