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Testimonies of Healing

I know it is time to add my testimony...

From the February 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I know it is time to add my testimony to those that have already been given and which have been such a help and encouragement to me. In 1905 I was advised to give Christian Science a trial for organic and functional disorders which would not yield to materia medica, in fact the appendix was in such a condition that an operation seemed the only means of relief. I had never up to that time heard any but scathing and condemnatory remarks about Christian Science, hence I was very doubtful and unbelieving in respect to its healing powers. I however thought that if it did not help, it would at least do me no harm. On account of my lack of interest and my disinclination to study or to put into practise what little I did absorb, conditions seemed unyielding; but I blamed the practitioners instead of my own mental indolence, and drifted from one practitioner to another until, after two years of useless drifting, a deep sorrow came into my life. I then seemed suddenly to awaken to the might and potency of this glorious truth, and with the help of a dear practitioner was able to overcome these difficulties in a short time.

I am of course thankful for the physical healing, for no one enjoys being sick, but it is nothing to the mental peace and comfort which I have received through this wonderful truth. My prayer is that I may put into practise daily the slight understanding I have of Christian Science, to live a better and more spiritual life gleaned through that wonderful book "'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," written by that spiritually inspired woman, Mrs Eddy. Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to our heavenly Father for His ever-present help;' also to our Leader, for through her I have been made to know God.— .

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