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Testimonies of Healing

Previous to 1910 I had always...

From the February 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Previous to 1910 I had always had an abnormal growth on my right shoulder, at least it had been there to my certain knowledge for twenty years. It had never given me pain or discomfort, but I had many times thought of having it removed. About six years ago, while in a nursing home, suffering from an acute attack of rheumatism, with heart, lung, and other complications (from which condition I might say I was eventually entirely freed through Christian Science), I made inquiries as to the removal of the cyst. Learning that a slight operation would be necessary, I decided to leave it, having, as I thought, more than enough of suffering at that time.

One evening, on returning home after attending a Christian Science lecture in the Birmingham town hall, the whole of my right shoulder became very stiff and painful. As the growth had never given me any pain, I did not associate it with this condition at all, but simply tried to realize the truth that God made all that was made, and that as God is Love, and man is His image and likeness, pain and suffering could be no part of Love's law. The next day, while visiting a friend, I felt an uncomfortable "sticky" sensation about my shoulder. We made an examination, and found that the cyst was discharging and the flesh round it was very much inflamed, notwithstanding the fact that by this time the pain had practically gone. At the end of four days all the offensive matter had come away, the growth had entirely disappeared, and what to me seemed most wonderful, was that instead of there being left, as is usual, a hollow or depression in the place where it had been, the skin had healed over and the flesh was on a level with the surrounding tissue.

This instance of mental surgery, experienced at a Christian Science lecture, has been most helpful to me, proving that the Christian Science demand is in harmony with that of the Master, that we be made "every whit whole."—

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