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[Written for the Journal]


From the February 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"The sons of God," and "now" are we the same:
So read a gentle voice when prayer was done.
The daylight was gone out, but at that name
I knew my day was only just begun:
For how the vision of the Christ's loved one
Dawned luminous! I was a son, a son!

Now, through the avenue of Mind, I thought
Unto the very home of God to fare:
I knew no hidden snare, no toil, but sought
A sweet uplifted path to lead me there.
Yet He was strange and all my thought was dim:
I wondered how I might awake, quite into Him.

O wondrous Father! how shall I begin
From beggar child to Thine estate to climb?
From wistfulness and weariness to win
To lordly power and heritage sublime?
Show me, I pray Thee, gentle One, each day,
What 'tis to be a son—the heavenly way!

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