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Testimonies of Healing

In the fall of 1899 my wife was, to...

From the February 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the fall of 1899 my wife was, to all appearances, in the last stages of lung trouble. I knew this positively, as I had lost three sisters with the same disease. My wife, at that time seventy-one years old, was so bad that she could get but little sleep, and as our physician had one of the best appliances for treating throat and lung trouble, she took treatment from him; but in about a week after she ceased to take the treatment, she was as bad as ever, so I went to the physician and asked him why such was the case. He said, "The truth of the matter is, that she has no vitality to hold her own after she has gained it." His words put an end to my hopes in medicine, so I resolved to take her South, and selected Galveston. I thought perhaps the salt air might give her some relief, but in this I was disappointed, and after the lapse of a month or more my hopes were again blighted, as she was getting worse very fast. As a last resort I turned to Christian Science. It was a hard struggle, and it took about two weeks to bring myself to have her try it. At that time I had not thought of taking treatment for myself, but my wife would not have anything to do with it unless I did, and after a week's thinking I consented to try it.

The first thing I was treated for was locomotor ataxia, or partial paralysis of the lower limbs. After three treatments I was able to get around as well as I ever did. I could literally "run, and not be weary; ... walk, and not faint." With this experience came joy that was unutterable and full of glory; for I had found that God is a present help in time of trouble. I had also a bad hernia, and after I found that I was so wonderfully helped with the other trouble, I told the practitioner of it, and she said, "Tomorrow morning leave off the truss and trust God." I did so; and though for three days it was a severe trial, at the end of that time there was no more protrusion. I felt some weakness, but this soon left and I felt as sound as ever, and all my other ailments dropped off like autumn leaves. Among these were a bad stomach trouble, also an injured back from having fallen out of a wagon on my head and shoulders, which gave me constant pain.

My wife was healed in about three months. We gave up our old religious beliefs and accepted Christian Science in its entirety. We purchased all the books written by Mrs. Eddy and have used nothing else for the past twelve years. For all of these blessings I am more than thankful to God for His goodness to me, also to Mrs. Eddy for having shown us the way.— .

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