Having been almost completely healed in Christian Science from ailments which had afflicted me for over forty years, I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude. It was at a time of great tribulation that a friend told me of Christian Science and mentioned a practitioner, whom I visited some time after. She showed me so clearly that man's being is not in so-called matter, but in God, Spirit, that the bowel trouble from which I was then suffering left me at once. I had great pain and swelling in my arm, owing to the severing of an artery many years before, but this, too, left me.
For many years I had what was called nasal catarrh, which affected my lungs and liver so that I could not retain my food. I had lost the sense of smell, and had almost lost that of hearing, besides being troubled with constant pains in my head. I am thankful to say that through the treatment in Christian Science not only the pains have gone, but I can now both smell and hear. The discharge, too, is almost stopped. I am over sixty years of age and I feel like a young woman. I have a boy who was a delicate child for years, suffering from croup and bronchitis, but he has been completely healed in Christian Science.
My heart is full of gratitude to our heavenly Father for this great salvation, and of thankfulness to our Leader for her faithfulness and courage in declaring this healing truth.— Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand.