When the subject of Christian Science was first presented to me twenty-six years ago, I had been suffering from stomach trouble and also from another functional disorder of a nature serious enough to cause my family considerable alarm. Everything I ate brought pain, even the one apple a day to which I had finally reduced my diet. Between distress and starvation I had been for six months in a miserable state. Medicine had failed to give me any relief whatever. I had been obliged to discontinue teaching school, and felt myself helpless, useless, a burden to myself and to others.
At this point, a sister wrote me about Christian Science, saying that it was a method of healing such as Jesus practised, and she earnestly advised me to write for absent treatment to one whom she recommended. I did so, and was treated for three weeks without being conscious of receiving any benefit, when all at once I found myself entirely relieved of pain and possessed of a very hearty appetite. The other ailment was also healed at the same time, and I resumed my work, permanently cured.
Nine years later I was led to apply for Christian Science treatment again and to begin studying, in response to urgent requests from the same sister. I now realize how much I owe her for her perseverance in continuing to send me letters of loving entreaty despite the fact that I gave her so little encouragement. The heart trouble for which I sought aid was overcome in a few treatments. The study has continued ever since, and there have been many convincing proofs of God's power to save from sickness and other discordant conditions. Some of the tests have been severe, and those who are best acquainted with the facts know that I am a living testimonial to the blessings that may be had by relying on the great Physician for healing.