When I was a child I had a very violent temper, and as I grew older it became worse and worse. I would become so angry that I would lose all control of myself and act like an insane person. Through the reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy and the study of Christian Science, this has left me entirely. I am glad to say that for over three years I have been free from this condition.
In entering a theater in the spring of 1912 I tripped and fell, my entire weight coming on one knee. As I was falling, these words came to me, "Underneath are the everlasting arms." I went into the theater and sat there over two hours, during which time I was able to treat myself. When I got up to come out the knee seemed very stiff, but I walked to the car, going down the subway stairs with little difficulty. The knee was badly swollen and bruised, but I had no pain after the first half hour. The next day the stiffness left, and in less than a week the knee was normal in every way.
My husband was healed several years ago of chronic bowel trouble, when the physicians could do nothing more for him and the strongest drugs had ceased to have any effect upon him. He has never had any return of this condition.