A longing for something more satisfying than the knowledge I then possessed of God, led me to investigate Christian Science. Soon afterward I was given the opportunity to test its healing power for my little daughter, then about two years old. There had been no action of the bowels for five days, but a letter to a faithful practitioner relieved my frantic fears, and the child was soon in a normal, healthy condition.
I was healed in three weeks of hemorrhage and weakness, from which I had suffered for four months. Later I was healed of what seemed an abnormal growth. For eleven months I could not bear any tight clothing, and at times was in a very distressed condition. The last five months I had Christian Science treatment; then the growth disappeared, and I could wear my usual clothing and walk anywhere I wished.
The healing occurred some nine years ago, and it has been permanent. About a year afterward a baby girl was born to me, although this would have seemed impossible before I was healed; but I had Christian Science treatment at the time, and the result was satisfactory: she is a bright, healthy child, who has never known any remedy but Christian Science.