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Testimonies of Healing

I am very grateful for Christian Science...

From the July 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am very grateful for Christian Science, because it has taught me so much of the truth of being. Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Before I came into Christian Science about four years ago, I was afflicted with stiffness of the neck and shoulders to such an extent that it was very difficult at times for me to turn my head without great pain. This condition seemed to be getting steadily worse, so that I feared it would incapacitate me for my daily duties; but divine Love was leading me.

About this time I took up the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy. I read the authorized publications of Christian Science, attended services, and associated to some extent with Christian Scientists. To my surprise, in a very short while I was freed from the condition above mentioned. What was it that healed me? It was the application of divine Truth revealed to me through the study of Christian Science; it was the Christ-idea unfolded in my consciousness.

This knowledge and understanding of good supplies me a mental ladder by means of which, so to speak, I can climb from the mists of earth to heaven. I am enabled to reflect the attributes of God more perfectly, and am thus a truer channel for His love. I am so grateful this divine Truth has been manifested to me, that I may realize eternal life here and now, and through this knowledge and understanding overcome sin and disease, error of every kind. For my healing in Christian Science I am profoundly grateful, but most of all for the knowledge and understanding of this wonderful truth of being, which, as our revered Leader has said (Science and Health, p. 337), "makes man harmonious and immortal."—

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