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Testimonies of Healing

I was a member of an orthodox...

From the July 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was a member of an orthodox church and a devoted student of the Bible from childhood, my earliest recollection being of the desire to understand my duty to God; but the way seemed mysterious and was attended with fear and doubt. Thus I studied and prayed for years. As a child I was frequently subject to spasms, later on to fainting spells, which became more serious each year. Different physicians who attended me said I had kidney and heart trouble. All material means were finally exhausted, after I had been confined to my bed for two weeks without rest, even opiates failing to relieve me.

I had heard about Christian Science, and in this time of need decided to try it. Although forbidden to sit up, I arose and called a Christian Science practitioner, who assured me there was nothing to fear. This was about four o'clock in the morning. I lay down and soon went quietly to sleep. In the afternoon I was able to go to see the practitioner, and the improvement continued until I was wholly healed.

Since this experience Christian Science has been to me an ever present help and joy. I am reminded daily of St. Paul's words, "By the grace of God I am what I am." Christian Science is to me the grace of God, good. My gratitude for the physical healing is great, but to have the veil of mystery removed from God, and the understanding of man as a child of God revealed, is the greatest treasure. I am thankful to God for all these blessings, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy.—

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