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Testimonies of Healing

In August, 1912, my youngest boy...

From the July 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In August, 1912, my youngest boy had the misfortune to injure his arm seriously. I called in a doctor and had the bone set. After this was done we asked a Christian Science practitioner for help, and in a few minutes the suffering had ceased. The following day the boy was about, and he played around every day after that until the doctor removed the splints. That fall my third son was taken down with typhoid fever, which was well advanced before he gave up work. Rather than be compelled to go to bed for several weeks, as the doctor said he would have to do, he asked for Christian Science treatment. That same night the fever was broken, and he was out of bed the next day. My only daughter, while sewing on the machine, got her finger under the needle bar. The needle struck the bone and was broken in three pieces, glancing down the side of the finger. I again called for help in Christian Science, and in one treatment she was relieved of suffering, so that she went right on with her duties.

All in our home appreciate the help of Christian Science and are very thankful for an understanding of this truth. In fact, I do not know what we would do without it.—

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