I wish to add my mite to the many testimonies given in praise of Christian Science and the many blessings it brings to mankind. I also want to express thankfulness to God, and gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for bringing to light the healing practised by Jesus. I did not come to Christian Science for healing, for when I was a small girl my mother was healed of diseases too numerous to mention, and I simply grew up in this faith. I have depended upon it for the relief of all discords ever since, now over twenty-four years, and it has always proved a help in time of need. I have been healed of many ills, and usually in a short time. My little girl of seven years has never tasted medicine in any form, and she has very seldom had an illness of any kind. Everywhere I go, people remark on what a healthy looking child she is.
I am glad the truth is spreading over all the world, and that the Christian Science literature is being accepted and read so gladly by many, as it is all very helpful, especially the Quarterly.—Dawson, Minn.
I am Mrs. Olson's mother, and I can truly say that her healing is permanent and that she is strong and well. She has not taken a drop of medicine for twenty-four years. She is working in Science and has done some good healing.