The story of Paul's conversion as found in Acts has always reminded me of my experience and how I was brought into Christian Science. I married a student of this teaching, and for four months our home was in confusion, because of my bitter hatred toward what I thought Christian Science to be. Then in November, 1911, I awoke one morning about half past four in a critical condition, and my husband advised me to let him call a doctor or a Christian Science practitioner; but I refused to have a doctor, saying that I had no faith in medicine. After being asked the second time what I preferred to do, I replied, "Call a practitioner, and call her quick." The healing must have been instantaneous, for I fell asleep and slept till about nine o'clock. When I awoke I dressed myself, ate breakfast, and felt a sense of peace and joy which I had never known before. A practitioner was, however, called again during the day, as I had a sense of dizziness. Both calls were made over the telephone. I was afterward told that my trouble was ptomaine poisoning.
Three weeks later my husband asked me to take treatment for chronic bowel disorder and female trouble, with which I had suffered for six years, having found no relief from material means. I accordingly did so, and was relieved after the first treatment and healed in one week; yet the hatred of Science was not removed till shortly after this, when I was induced to attend the Sunday service. I entered the church a skeptic, but during the services I was healed of all hatred, and I have been a constant attendant ever since. Having these beautiful proofs of the healing power of Christian Science, I took up the study of the Bible and Science and Health. This study is healing me daily of sin, and has never failed to meet any and every need. Our home is now full of love and good will. My husband and I have both had the privilege of class instruction. For the spiritual uplift, and all the blessings that have come to me through this study, I feel I owe endless praise to God for Christian Science.
My healing has been permanent in every way. I am striving to know more each day, and to practise what I gain through the Lesson-Sermons. The physical healing has brought a great moral healing as well, and has meant a deep awakening to our responsibility as members of a Christian Science church. I am indeed grateful for all the good I have received through this truth,—Wichita, Kan.