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Testimonies of Healing

On the evening of April 18, 1915,...

From the October 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ON the evening of April 18, 1915 my four year old son was terribly scalded. Without my knowledge and with a desire to "help mother," he ran the hot water into the bath tub, and when it was half full jumped in, after entirely undressing himself. I heard the splashing and a scream, and when I reached him he seemed to be in agony. Immediately I voiced aloud the truths of Christian Science that divine Love is ever present and that the child of God cannot be hurt. Very soon he responded to the truth, saying over and over, "Love is ever present, mother; I am not hurt," though the skin was peeling off his body. My husband then put a sheet around him and lifted him gently into his crib.

I telephoned for a Christian Science practitioner, who came at once and remained with us all night. By eleven o'clock the child was sleeping and all pain was gone. In two days the worst was overcome. We felt it wise to call a physician (one who is kindly disposed toward Christian Science and who attended me when my son was born) to bandage the child, as we did not feel experienced enough in that line. The eleventh day he was out riding his wheel, and in two weeks all trace of the trouble was gone. There was a healthy new skin all over him, and not a single scar. Any one who was not a Christian Scientist, on seeing him the first few days after the accident, would have declared that he would be scarred for life. We knew, however, that "with God all things are possible," for divine Love had never failed us in meeting every need during the seven years of our married life.

It would be impossible to tell all that Christian Science has been and is to me. For fourteen years it has been my only help in every need. My father was cured of facial paralysis in three months. I have been healed of chronic bronchitis and many other ills, while my mother was healed of nervous breakdown and my brother of heart trouble. These physical healings are but the natural result of a spiritualized consciousness, the result of the overcoming of wrong thinking and false beliefs, which are all that can possibly separate us from God, good.

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