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Testimonies of Healing

When the study of Christian Science...

From the October 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When the study of Christian Science was begun eight years ago, I was healed in one treatment of severe nervousness, headache, and a structural defect of the eyes. As my understanding grew many other ills left me, among them rheumatism, bowel trouble, and a weak back. While I am deeply grateful for these healings, words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the spiritual uplift, the regeneration of thought we receive through the light which our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, throws upon the Bible. It shows us that the Bible is a practical guide for us here and now; that the divine law is operative in this age. We have had many proofs of this in our home.

When a baby was born to us, nearly all the mortal, man-made laws that usually govern such cases were set aside. There was no trouble or pain before or after the birth and relatively little at the time. The baby came about midnight, and a few minutes after one o'clock we were all in bed and slept until morning. As the nurse had gone home, I took care of the child after that. In the morning, after dressing myself, I put my room in order and then went downstairs to eat breakfast with the rest of the family. The fourth day I was out for a walk in the yard. This experience was a proof to me that in proportion as we let the Christ, Truth, occupy our thoughts and govern our lives, do we bring these grand proofs into our experience. When I passed through this same condition about three years before I began the study of Christian Science, besides suffering terribly from discordant conditions at the time, I was left with a physical trouble that stayed with me until I was healed in Christian Science.

I am truly grateful for all that Christian Science has done for me and mine, and for the practical knowledge of the Bible that it gives us.—

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