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From the October 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In April, 1896, a student of Christian Science returned to Honolulu to live. There were at that time no others in the islands who were interested in Science, but in February, 1898, two Scientists from Boston came to Honolulu to visit, and they and four or five others, who had meanwhile become interested, met in a private house to read the Lesson on Sunday afternoons. These meetings were continued, and have grown into First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Honolulu.

From the first home in which meetings were held, a move was made to another home. Later a room was rented in Elks Hall for a short time, and in July, 1902, a room in the Oregon Block on Hotel Street was rented, and services were held there until September. The next move was to a room in a building on Hotel and Alakea Streets, and services were held here until August, 1903, when another move was made to the Elite Building on Hotel Street. Up to this time the hymns had been read, but now a piano was rented (later a larger one was bought) and the hymns were sung. It was in this location too that a reading-room was opened; at first for an hour on two afternoons in the week, and later for an hour every day. The time has been gradually increased, until now the rooms are open daily from ten to three, and a healthy activity in the sale of literature is shown.

During this later period the members had been known as the Christian Science Association, but at a meeting held in December, 1905, it was decided to change the name to Christian Science Society. At times people leaving the islands reduced the number of those interested to h very few, but meetings were continued and the interest and attendance gradually increased, so that it was necessary to look for larger quarters. In August, 1909, the society rented Fraternity hall in the Odd Fellows Building on Fort Street, which seated about two hundred and twenty. On April 1 of this year a move was made to the Social hall of the same building, where services are still held.

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