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From the October 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN Science and Health (p. 547) Mrs. Eddy writes: "The Scriptures are very sacred. Our aim must be to have them understood spiritually, for only by this understanding can truth be gained." The spiritual meaning of the Scriptures having been gained, argument about them is at an end. Disagreement and doubt may characterize Scriptural discussion until the spiritual truth appears, when, as a result of the healing that follows, contention and strife disappear, for he that is healed is no longer inclined to dispute, but to grant to his neighbor a season of peace, that he too may have profit in quiet thought on the subject.

Some problems embraced in a recent experience caused the writer to turn to the Bible and to study it with more than the usual earnestness. This experience also caused him to consider the question of "culture," its deeper meaning and its significance from the viewpoint of Christian Science. Earnest study of the parable of the sower, the soil, and the seed, in the thirteenth chapter of Matthew, guided him to the conclusion that the most highly cultured condition of human consciousness is that which has been so divested of materialism that it is able to receive and retain the seed of truth, the spiritual word or message, and bring forth in due season the fruits of Spirit, even to the measure of "an hundredfold."

Turning from this uplifting study, thought went swiftly backward over the pages of Biblical history until the ten commandments were reached. Then began an earnest study of this oldest written charter of liberty of which the world knows. During the reading of these commandments a newer light than any that had ever before appeared, illumined the thought of the student, especially in connection with the fourth commandment, which begins, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy."

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