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From the November 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was in the year 1890 that a little company of twelve, one of the number a loyal student of Mrs. Eddy, began meeting at the various homes for the purpose of reading and learning more of the truths of Christian Science. About eight years later, owing to the increased attendance at The Mother Church, Mrs. Eddy recommended that branch churches be formed in three of the suburbs, and as Chelsea was one of the places selected, it was therefore in accordance with her wish that this church was organized in January, 1899, with nine charter members. The attendance at the very first numbered about sixty, thus showing some of the fruitful returns from the seed which had been so carefully sown in earlier years.

The Sunday services were held in Gould Hall, but some difficulty was experienced in finding a place in which to hold the Wednesday evening meetings. In April the Unitarian Church vestry was secured, but after a few months it was found necessary to look for other accommodations. The only available place was the old Police Court room, which had just been vacated and was in process of renovation. In spite of the unattractiveness of this room to human sense, those who attended will never forget the first meeting there, which proved that material conditions have no control over spiritual thought. A little later the meetings were held in Knights of Pythias Hall.

In February, 1900, a convenient hall for both services was secured in Bassett Square, where also a reading-room was opened. This hall was destroyed in the fire of April, 1908, when many members lost their homes and consequently moved away. In this hour of the city's great need, practical aid was given through a special fund raised by The Mother Church and neighboring branch churches, a relief station being maintained for five weeks. More than two thousand people were helped in this manner to clothing, bedding, and other necessities, and over six thousand dollars in money was lovingly distributed.

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