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Testimonies of Healing

For some years prior to coming...

From the November 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For some years prior to coming into touch with Christian Science I was quietly led to separate myself from all Christian churches, although during this period of what my Christian friends called backsliding, I had a strong desire to know God. Then Christian Science was brought to my attention by a fellow worker. The first testimony meeting I attended did not greatly impress me, but the next day, after an hour's conversation with a Scientist, I felt there was more in this teaching than could be at once perceived, so I asked for the loan of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I began to read at the Preface, and the opening words were as the balm of Gilead, full of promise to me. I read on, and a clear apprehension of God and His Christ came to my understanding, such as I had never had before. I knew this book voiced the truth, for it did not deny God or His Christ, but exalted Him as no other book I have ever read, apart from the Bible. As the reading continued I saw for the first time man in the image and likeness of God, and understood that since God, Spirit, is infinite, beside whom there is none else, and in whom there is "no variableness, neither shadow of turning," His image and likeness, man, is unchanging. My real self was recognized as spiritual, perfect, eternal as the Mind that formed it, and a note of thanksgiving ascended to my heavenly Father for this revelation, and for her through whom it was made possible.

About six weeks after I began to read Science and Health it suddenly dawned upon me that the attacks of stomach trouble, which had been a source of suffering since early boyhood and of late years had become very frequent and distressing, had vanished. I knew God had healed me, and the Scripture verse, "Whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever," came to me. What clearer evidence of the power of Truth could be given me than this physical healing, and yet the spiritual evidence, the discernment of Truth's omnipotence and omnipresence which comes to my consciousness, is beyond price.

I have experienced quick healing of mortal discords when they have arisen in my own person; a son in the navy has been delivered from varicose veins, also my wife from the same complaint, and my two young daughters are being blessed in every way. One daughter was taken at Christmas time, 1912, with severe pains in the stomach, attended with vomiting and a bowel difficulty. I felt that as it was the case of a child, a physician ought to be called in to diagnose the trouble, and this was done. He called in a specialist, and they pronounced it to be one of the worst forms of appendicitis they knew, and said that an operation must be performed at once or the child would not be with us in twentyfour hours. As a Christian Science practitioner had already been asked to give treatment, my wife and I now had to choose whom we would serve, and I am more than thankful that, in spite of the terrifying sense-testimony, we were calmly given grace to place the child in the care of divine Love. We thanked the doctors for their kindness and said we would trust in our heavenly Father, although to their sense this course was not only fatal, but as they expressed themselves, "criminal."

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