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From the November 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

His emergence from material beliefs is the measure of a man's freedom. Jesus' immortal promise of liberation from all evil, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," was imperfectly apprehended even by his immediate followers, for mortal thought casts off its trammels reluctantly unless compelled by stress and pain. Moreover, the realization of bondage as a false mental condition precedes the revelation of freedom as the apprehension of Truth, and in the process of emancipation it is easier to recognize the yoke than to rid one's self of it.

The human mind defines liberty according to its own idiosyncrasies of belief, and by such definitions the measure of individual growth is given. Unrestrained action, facility to follow favorite devices without deference to conventionality and popular prejudice, are two of the mistaken views of freedom. Sometimes mortals imagine liberty as a new beginning on the tomb of some old mistake, and would have it masquerade as license, or appear as an appendage to worldly wealth and power.

In the multifarious misconceptions of liberty which deceive the world, the root-concept of bondage is disclosed, from which men blindly struggle to be free, while bound by the shackles of self-imposed beliefs and the tyranny of traditional human law. The desire to be free invites the conclusion that some one or some thing bars the way; therefore each one's sense of liberty uncovers at the same time each one's belief of bondage. "Loose him, and let him go," said Jesus to those surrounding Lazarus when mortal thought had buried him, and mourned over him for three whole days. Jesus' knowledge of Life as infallible, perfect Principle, lifted from Lazarus the false beliefs which bound him and demonstrated the indestructibility of immortal man.

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