After having had two operations and ten years' treatment in materiel medica I was told by two doctors of excellent reputation in Brooklyn and New York that the operations were failures, and one physician said it would be a year before I was strong enough to undergo another. "Then," he added, "we will have a radical operation and straighten things out."
The conditions which the doctors were agreed upon were ovarian tumor, a bladder and rectal difficulty, and a number of other ailments, including a chronic stomach disorder of some years' standing. Another medical authority told me that all these conditions were caused by curvature of the spine, and I was treated for this over three years, but was at last obliged to turn to Christian Science, though in a much worse state of nervous exhaustion than I had been at any time before. In the first treatment I was healed of all the conditions except the nervous trouble, for which I was treated three weeks. That was six years ago, and I have had no recurrence of any of these discords. My daughter was healed of St. Vitus' dance in five weeks, after having grown worse under medical treatment all summer.
To say I am grateful for Christian Science does not begin to express my appreciation of it. I owe all I have to this healing truth. —Philadelphia, Pa.