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Testimonies of Healing

I feel that I should no longer delay...

From the February 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel that I should no longer delay in telling others of the joy and peace that Christian Science has brought me through deliverance in a large degree from fear, sorrow, and grief. Greatest of all is the spiritual uplift and knowledge of God and of my relation to Him.

One Sunday morning I suffered a severe burn and bruise on my right limb. By knowing error could not keep me from my post of duty (I was second reader at the time), the pain was so overcome that I was able to go to the morning service. By evening, however, the conditions seemed alarming, and they continued so till Wednesday. The limb was badly swollen and I had chills and fever. As I was unable to overcome my fear, a practitioner was called, and by faithful and loving work the conditions were quickly met, so that by the following Sunday the demonstration was made.

I have also been healed of fever, influenza, injured wrists, and a fractured bone in the left limb, without the aid of physician or material means. A throat affection to which I had been subject ever since childhood, suffering at times intensely, found no permanent relief until I was healed by Christian Science. Through the study of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, I have been cured of the after effects of whooping-cough, also of defective eyesight, for which I had worn glasses for two years.

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