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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the Swedish]

It is about two years since I...

From the February 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is about two years since I came to Christian Science, a broken man. For my physical complaint, a condition of shattered nerves with all its gruesome accessories, I had for years applied to a number of skilful physicians of different schools, besides experimenting with numerous health cures and taking quantities of drugs, with the result that each succeeding year found me worse off than before. My mental condition was equally miserable, discordant in the extreme; unstrung and unhappy, I faced despair.

Then I heard of Christian Science, and I must say it was with a smile of doubt that I listened to the marvelous things which were told of it, but I decided to examine into it, even as a drowning man grasps at a straw. I found however it was something more than a straw that I laid hold of when I set about to investigate Christian Science. At my first visit to a practitioner I was greeted kindly, and lovingly encouraged and assisted. Now I am safe on shore, fully restored to physical and mental soundness.

For this I bow in humble gratitude before God, the all-power, acknowledging Him as the only cause. I am also indebted to those Christian Scientists who have helped me to gain an understanding of the great truth, proving that His omnipotence, rightly understood and honestly demonstrated, not only heals us of disease, but helps us at every turn, when sorrow, reverses, or trials would seem to cloud our harmony.

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