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Testimonies of Healing

During the past six years I have...

From the February 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During the past six years I have used no material remedies, and in every instance where Christian Science treatment has been called for the results have been satisfactory. This also applies with equal force to my wife and child. With special reference to the latter, I desire to say that during the summer of 1914 certain ailments to which children are popularly believed to be liable in their second summer, though well developed, were promptly and thoroughly healed. In one instance the Christian Science practitioner was called by telephone in the forenoon and dismissed in the evening of the same day, so quickly did the child respond.

Before coming into Christian Science my wife was subject to attacks of acute stomach disorder. During the period of four years since our marriage she has had only one such attack. Then, after working over it ourselves for several hours, during which time she seemed gradually to grow worse, a practitioner was called. Improvement was noted soon after treatment began, and in less than an hour my wife was entirely free. As the pain was excruciating and the patient not wholly conscious when outside help was called, this seemed almost marvelous. Formerly, when attacks of this kind had been treated in materia medica, the after effects the following day had been very disagreeable. In this case, however, the patient experienced no unpleasant after effects; in fact, the next day being Sunday, she felt perfectly well and attended church.

Speaking further for myself, I have been freed from the chronic stomach and bowel troubles and the fear produced by a sympathetic heart affection which were the cause of my taking up Christian Science in 1908; also in three or four instances from influenza and bilious attacks, and from the liquor and tobacco habits. Moreover, my disposition, which was perhaps my most cumbersome liability, has been improved.

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