About three years ago, through observation of those who were letting their light shine, I was led to Christian Science, at a time when life seemed to hold for me nothing but un-happiness and disappointment. With the first glimpse of the truths in this Science was born the hope of realizing the ideals for which I had been striving, but always with defeat. I had never turned to any form of religion, because in all there seemed lacking a principle which one might apply for the solution of the problems of everyday life, and such a principle seemed necessary for the uplift and regeneration of the individual; but now I know that as we understand and apply the teaching of Christian Science, the Science whose Principle is God Himself, infinite and ever present Love, we do indeed find it sufficient for every need.
I am very grateful for the help received from Christian Science in childbirth, after having undergone a most trying experience three times, one of which confined me to the bed for three months with a dislocated hip, while I was unable to walk for five months. With the help of Christian Science the last birth was almost painless and very harmonious in all ways. For this experience, and for the many blessings, also for the dear ones who have been so helpful to me, I wish to express gratitude.—Riverside, Cal.