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Testimonies of Healing

It is with the deepest sense of gratitude...

From the April 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with the deepest sense of gratitude that I add my tribute to the power of Truth as revealed in Christian Science. For many years I suffered from violent headaches, kidney disorder, female trouble, weak heart, which was said to be hereditary, and other ills. I was never entirely without aches or pains in some part of the body, and I became nervous, despondent, and at times very irritable. Life had become a burden and I often wished for the end. I had tried every material means that was recommended, all to no avail. I continued to grow worse, the attacks becoming more frequent and more violent.

A dear friend then called on me, and informed me she had attended a lecture on Christian Science and was more than pleased with the enlightenment she had received. She left some literature for me to read, and in a very short time after beginning to read it I sensed in many ways an improved condition; the light had begun to shine into my consciousness, and I wanted to seek the true God revealed in Christian Science. I sought the aid of a practitioner, and soon was most wonderfully helped, both physically and spiritually. I am most grateful to God for Christian Science and for my spiritual awakening. I know we can prove Christ's teachings if we are faithful to the divine Principle as taught in the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

My son was healed in three weeks of Bright's disease at an advanced stage. His sight has been restored, and nervousness and many minor ills are falling away. Two physicians have since pronounced him in perfect physical condition. My little grandchild was instantaneously healed of ulcers on the eyes. A specialist had been in attendance and claimed there was no possible cure, that in time the sight would be destroyed, which would mean total blindness. My nephew was healed in one treatment of rheumatism. My sister-in-law had a very badly injured ankle, which was healed in one treatment. Many other ills of the flesh have been quickly overcome, and all discordant conditions have passed away.

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