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From the April 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FREEDOM! Liberty! How the races, nations, and individuals strive to gain them! This inscription, "Obedience to law is liberty," on the front of a court-house, is a clear, concise rule for attaining and maintaining liberty, a statement which places liberty clearly as a mental quality. When we recognize the fact so clearly taught by Christian Science, that God is the only Mind and hence the only lawmaker, we can say that obedience to God is liberty, and liberty belongs to all men as a normal state of consciousness. Obeying Mind's laws, all can rightly expect and will have freedom from every quality unlike God.

Centuries ago Moses gave to the human race the rule for freedom when lie promulgated the great commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Jesus stated it in this wise: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." All down the ages hosts of people have read these statements of Moses and of Jesus, but have not had a clear understanding of what they mean, because they have not known what God is or what God does. Christian Science has come to this age to awaken men from their ignorance about God and man.

There seem to be different ways of regarding that which is not understood. Ignorance and indolence usually express unfounded censure of that which they do not apprehend. Ignorance operates as fear or prejudice, exalting and vaunting itself, the only way ignorance can maintain any claim of place and position. There is a mental state which repeats that old cry of self-complacency and self-righteousness: Let us alone! We do not want the disturbance which our theories and views may experience if they are examined under the light of these newly presented facts, and so we are going to ignore them utterly.

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