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Testimonies of Healing

I feel very thankful for the many...

From the April 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Feel very thankful for the many blessings which have come to me through Christian Science. It has been an ever present help in time of trouble. I had treatment at the birth of three of my children, and had very little pain. My little boy was supposed by materia medica to have a serious throat trouble, so I asked a Christian Science practitioner to treat him, and the ailment was overcome in about two hours. The doctor said my little girl had epilepsy, but she was cured in Christian Science in a short time. At another time she was supposed to be suffering from a disease of the throat and was taken to the hospital, but the fear was so great that I asked for help from the Christian Science practitioner. The illness was overcome and in a few days we had her at home again, the disease never having developed.

One hot summer day I allowed my two little children to play in the bath with some water. I was near by, but unknown to me the boy turned on the tap, and my attention was arrested by a peculiar noise. When I reached the bathroom I found that the baby had fallen face downward under the water. To all appearance the little one was drowned, but I clung faithfully to the thought that God was her life. Soon the water began to come out of her nose, mouth, and ears, and in a few minutes she revived. I gave her a drink of milk and then she fell asleep. When she awoke she was quite well. I feel sure that had I not known the truth of being, the little one would have passed away. I give this testimony as an expression of my gratitude for help received in Christian Science.—

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