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Testimonies of Healing

Several years ago, while attending...

From the April 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Several years ago, while attending school, I was compelled to take the Bible as a study with one recitation a week. We were allowed so many "cuts" from classes each semester, and I used most of mine on Bible classes. I would say that the Bible was nothing but ancient history, and very undesirable reading at that, especially the Old Testament, and there were other ancient histories to which I preferred to devote my time.

Later I noted the benefits derived from Christian Science by friends, some of whom had been given up by the physicians, and being sick and discouraged I decided to try it. I went with a friend to call upon a Christian Science practitioner, and I shall never forget that evening. It seemed as though I had suddenly stepped out of an old gloomy world into one all bright and promising, and I felt too happy to talk. Although I did not understand it, I knew I had found the truth for which I had been hungering all my life, but did not know where or how to find it. I went home and began the study of the Bible, together with the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

I had only a few treatments and was greatly benefited. I then told the practitioner that I felt sure I could work out my own problem. The Bible became to me a new and wonderful book, and since that time, now nearly six years, the Scriptures and the authorized Christian Science literature have been my daily companions. The best part of the day is the time devoted to their study. As a result, I hardly know what it is to be sick any more. Sickness is just as unreal and unnatural to me as it once seemed real and natural, and the best part of it all is that it is not merely a belief of health, but the kind of health that can never be taken from me, for it is founded on the rock, Christ.

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