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Testimonies of Healing

So many blessings have come to me...

From the April 1916 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So many blessings have come to me during the past four and a half years, since taking up the study of Christian Science, that it is my great desire to express my gratitude in every way possible. I have had numerous healings, some instantaneous; many proofs of the love and care of infinite good in meeting the needs of every day and hour, financial and otherwise. My whole outlook on life has been changed. I can truly say that I have learned to love my neighbor better, to love God more, and to love the Bible above all other books, through the revelations of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

One beautiful demonstration was effected during a visit in the West. We were at rather a high altitude, and what appeared to be a serious condition manifested itself. There had been a severe pain in the left lung for more than a week, and I had not been able to overcome it, though I worked hard in the little time I had. There was a house party, and it was difficult to be left alone, without explanations. On Saturday night the pain was so great I knew I should be obliged to wire for help if I was not better soon. Besides the pain I was coughing severely, and this was distressing and unpleasant for the others as well as for myself.

Sunday morning several of us went in town to the Christian Science church service; and when I saw that little group of Scientists in their tiny church, built as I knew at great sacrifice, and realized how much in earnest they were and what it must mean to them, my love went out to them. I am sure I never knew the truth more fully than I did that morning. I forgot myself, forgot the pain, and thought only of how I wanted to help, how surely "the Lord is in this place." My thought was uplifted wonderfully; I knew I had helped some one, and lo! it was myself. Before I left the church the pain was entirely gone; I coughed no more, and I was healed.

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