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Testimonies of Healing

It is four years since I became...

From the January 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is four years since I became interested in Christian Science at a time when I was having lots of trouble. Friends told me God would not forsake but would help me, and recommended Christian Science. I said I did not care to look into it if it was a religion, for although a church member, when I needed my religion as a comfort it had failed. These friends, however, got a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" for me and I began to read it. Before it was half finished I took off glasses, after having worn them constantly since childhood. Oculists had fitted me to stronger lenses each year and had told me I would never be able to get along without glasses.

The restoration of my sight was such a proof to me of God's care, that I kept earnestly seeking peace of mind, and at last found that peace "which passeth all understanding." When I commenced to read Science and Health, physicians were giving me tonics and drugs to make me sleep; but these were soon abandoned, for I realized that God is our only physician. I slept and ate well and gained rapidly. Glasses have not been worn since the day I put them away. The oculist who had always fitted me to glasses has since tested my eyes and found them normal. As a result, he had me send for the textbook and the Quarterly for himself, because he thought my healing a miracle.

I soon commenced to attend the Christian Science services held in our city, then purchased a copy of Science and Health for my very own, also the Quarterly, and studied the Lesson-Sermon daily. Afterward all of Mrs. Eddy's writings were given me, and these have been a great help. I am deeply grateful for all these blessings; indeed, words seem inadequate to express my thankfulness to God and my gratitude to our Leader for bringing this light to us. I also appreciate the help given me by friends and practitioners, and the privilege of attending the Christian Science lectures. I hope to be worthy to be called a Christian Scientist—

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