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Testimonies of Healing

It was a little over four years...

From the January 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was a little over four years ago that I sought help in Christian Science. At that time I was what the doctor called a nervous dyspeptic. For six months I had suffered untold mental agony, caused from a great fear right after childbirth, the fear remaining with me and gradually increasing until it seemed as if I would land either in an asylum or in the grave. Christian Science came to my rescue, and I know that it was sent from God. During the mental affliction I prayed many times for God to deliver me, as I had everything to live for; yet I remained in the dark.

Many times the "still small voice" would whisper "Christian Science," though neither I nor my friends knew what it was, except that Scientists did not take medicine, and I did not need any. Even the doctor had said that I must fight off' the condition myself. that no doctor could help me, and that drugs would leave me worse than I was then. While I was spending a couple of weeks with my mother, still seeking the light with only darkness before me, a lady who came to my mother's home encouraged me so much that I knew she believed in Christian Science. The following day I called upon her, and asked if Christian Science had healed her, as she had told me the day previous that she had been in a worse condition than I, and although much older had gotten over it. She said that it had, and told me of her healing, which seemed to me miraculous.

Help in Christian Science was immediately sought, and my prayer was answered. The healing came slowly but surely, proving me all the while and engrounding me more firmly in the truth until today I am a happy Christian Scientist. It has been my privilege to become a member of our local church and also of The Mother Church, and my children attend the Sunday school, for which I am very grateful. Christian Science is the sunshine of my life. For the last four years it has been the only physician in the house and has met our every need. My husband and I have been helped financially, physically, and spiritually.

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