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Testimonies of Healing

Like a great many others, I did...

From the January 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Like a great many others. I did not begin the investigation of Christian Science for physical help, but recognizing that the one who presented it to me had a strong and reliable guide to right living. I wanted to know about it. so asked my friend, who was returning to the States, to send me a copy of Science and Health. It was several weeks before the book was received, and then with eager hope I began to read it.

During the initial reading of this book I was healed of severe headaches of many years' standing, a condition that had existed ever since childhood. Since then, ten years ago, I have not had a headache of any description. This experience proved to me for all time and conclusively that the Christian Science text-book is a spiritual interpretation of the Bible, for at that time, as far as I knew, there was not a Christian Scientist within main miles. I was then living in Alaska, one hundred and twenty-four miles from the Siberian Straits. It was the impersonal truth revealed that healed inc. I continued to read and study Science and Health, gaining a little understanding of its explanation of our relation to God and of the benefits which come from such an understanding, so that when what was called my annual attack of pleurisy presented itself, it was instantaneously corrected, and so thoroughly that it never returned. With this healing there was a wonderfully beautiful experience, a spiritual exaltation or uplift which taught plainly that as one's understanding of God's law or will increases we do attain that for which we are all seeking, the Mind that was in Christ Jesus, the truth that he taught would make us free.

About five years ago I suffered terribly for about eighteen hours from an attack of acute stomach trouble. During these hours of suffering three absent treatments were given me by a Christian Science practitioner, and

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