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Testimonies of Healing

When I first began to read the...

From the January 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I first began to read the wonderful yet simple truths of Christian Science. I looked hourly for miracles. I scanned the sidewalks for bunches of bills, for I was a sufferer from a sense of lack, and expected that the eye-glasses which had been worn for years would become useless at once and my sight be restored instantaneously. I felt rather abused and neglected that this was not the case; indeed, splendid opportunities were wasted in anticipating the glories to come. Then I began to comprehend that there is no royal road to understanding: that the seeking of physical healing alone is not the way to realize its accomplishment; that to struggle for miracles is not the way to bring them about. I began to give all my attention to the search for righteousness.

Since then many wonderful healings have come to me, though I have been studying Mrs. Eddy's teachings and the Bible only a short time. All of them were such as in the old days would have seemed miracles to me; but now they seem but simple expressions of God's power working through me as His image and likeness. Physical disabilities have one by one disappeared. My eyes are so much improved that glasses are worn only occasionally. My entire viewpoint of life has altered, for I have lost the arrogance of self. I have been healed of a dislike for people, and this also healed them of their seeming dislike for me. I have been healed of a habit of criticism; where I once picked flaws. I now see beauty and kindness. Irritability and heart sickness have also been overcome. A belief in spiritualism has been replaced by the clear vision of divine Love; and I have gained the understanding whereby I am able to help others—which of all blessings seems the most precious. The healing of a sense of lack has been slower, but at all times I have been cared for and conditions are rapidly improving. During this period inestimable blessings have come from the seemingly troublesome condition.

Christian Science is to me priceless, and to live a life of service and helpfulness conformative to its teachings is my one desire. I feel a deep thankfulness to the divine Principle which guided me to this beautiful way of living, and my love and gratitude toward Mrs. Eddy grows daily—

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