It was twelve years ago that Christian Science was first brought to my attention when a friend gave me a copy of the Journal. I read it, yes devoured it, for it contained something for which I was hungering. Then I obtained Science and Health, and have since made Christian Science a daily study, finding it sufficient for all my needs.
I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing, but wanted to understand God, to know how to pray, for I realized that I was not in harmony with Him. My prayer was to be led to the right place of worship, where I would know I was worshiping God aright. At this time I was very weak and thin, and the doctor had said my condition was due to liver and heart trouble. I also had been a victim of a skin disease for many years, always using some remedy to keep my hands in a state to do the housework. At times I would be helpless for weeks. This was called an inherited disease, as my mother had suffered from it for years and I had waited on her and helped to dress her hands. Since I came to Science it has been entirely cured, and I have been able to do all kinds of work without trouble.
For these blessings I thank God daily, and give honor and praise to our dear Leader.—Benton Harbor, Mich.