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From the October 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Undoubtedly the most satisfying experience which comes to the Christian Scientist is the realization of the inexhaustible and unfailing resource of each unfolding idea, or the revelation of divine Science. Every Christian Scientist has been privileged to experience almost times without number the sweet dawning of some spiritual idea or truth, and has come to recognize in these experiences the nature of the eternal Christ, the eternal activity of God's idea, that concerning which Jesus declared to the doubting Jews, "Before Abraham was, I am."

In these experiences the Christian Scientist is actually and consciously coming under the government of divine law. Furthermore, the Christian Scientist comes to know that individual apprehension and action are inaugurated and sustained by the same divine idea of Principle, or God, which marked and distinguished so signally the life and work of the revered Leader of Christian Science. Up to the time of her passing from this mortal plane, Christian Scientists quite generally, and indeed the world, looked to Mrs. Eddy for the fostering and furthering of activities relating to the unfoldment and advancement of the cause of Christian Science; but even as she always left all things in God's hands, so she left in His hands the unfolding in a larger way to individual consciousness of the immaculate divine idea which should point and lead to the inexhaustible resources of infinite Mind.

As the result of turning the thought of her followers toward the Manual of The Mother Church and the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," instead of to her human personality, for guidance toward Principle, Mrs. Eddy while yet in the flesh gave an impetus to the students' thought which later, when these students were scattered "every man to his own," proved to be the richest blessing of all; for thus the divine idea, the unity of the true idea and Principle, the unchanging oneness of God and man was revealed,—was proved and understood in individual experience.

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