I must tell of the joy, happiness, and peace into which I have come through the study of the Bible in the light of Mrs. Eddy's teaching. In the summer of 1915 I found myself a wreck, both mentally and physically. I had been a church member for thirty years, but had not reached the point where I could with an honest heart repeat, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors," because I was full of anger, resentment, and kindred errors.
I finally withdrew from all church relationships, disheartened, dissatisfied, and not knowing where to turn. Things went from bad to worse, till a son was in the hospital with what doctors called an incurable disease, and I was in the last stage of a liver trouble dating from birth. I tried to pray for deliverance, but it seemed as if my prayers met no response, and at last in deep distress and despair I cried out to God to show me where I was wrong. In less than forty-eight hours this thought came to me: "You have always derided and ridiculed Christian Science; why not investigate and see for yourself?"
In a few days I had a practitioner from a neighboring town come to my home and talk with me, and afterward she sent me literature which I read. Then came the fear that I might be led astray by strange doctrines; but again I went to God with my problem, praying to be shown in some manner if Christian Science was of Him. Soon the thought was sent me, "Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." From that day I have never tasted medicine. I eat everything I want, and have never been sick an hour since. As a result of Christian Science treatment my son was sent home from the hospital in less than two weeks a well boy. I myself did not have treatment, but simply read, studied, and lived Christian Science as taught in Science and Health.