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Preaching and Practice

From the July 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 241 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says, "The error of the ages is preaching without practice." Jesus said, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction." The wide gate and broad way is mere preaching. Practice is the straight and narrow way, demanding persistent effort and leading the individual to an understanding beyond mere words, even to the limitless unfoldment of Truth. This destroys error quickly, which is the test of understanding, the knowledge that is sufficient and is final. Preaching and practice are then combined forces.

Divine Principle is the foundation of Christian Science, and this Principle must be understood, for it means "Love with us," which is spiritual thinking and is the true process of practice. We must put into practice whatever spiritual knowledge we possess, for development into the full understanding of man's perfect spiritual selfhood. The important point in beginning this work is to trust Love's guidance and protection, and Christian Science practice in the ultimate is the manifestation of man in the image and likeness of God.

We should keep before us the great command under which the disciples of Jesus went forth, namely, "to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick," and this work must be based upon an understanding of the Science of being. Disease disappears through the proper understanding of Principle and of spiritual ideas, in which we look beyond matter to divine Mind, to the perfect comprehension of the true idea which is untouched by error. The knowledge of the spiritual fact that good alone has power and is omnipresent, if put into practice, vanquishes evil. From this we learn that we cannot practise Christian Science and be ignorant of spiritual ideas. Every right idea operative in consciousness is governed by fixed law; then our thinking, our doing, and our being are in accord with the law of God. The understanding of this proves to be a saving power from sin, sickness, and death. It enables us to acquire the metaphysical method of right contemplation and to have an absolutely perfect Principle as our basis for scientific reasoning.

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