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Testimonies of Healing

Through Christian Science I...

From the July 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Through Christian Science I have been enabled to leave off glasses which had been worn for sixteen years, and have been healed of partial deafness. The condition of my feet was such that I could not wear shoes all day, and could not walk any distance without suffering. I sat for a month in a chair with my foot bandaged. That condition has also been overcome. When I was a young child my head nearly rested on my left shoulder. It was said that the cord on that side of the neck was so much too short that it could not be lengthened, and for fifty years I was under that bondage. One day while studying the Lesson-Sermon that cord was instantaneously lengthened, and I burst into tears of gratitude. I cannot tell in words the experience of that moment, but I realized what Jesus meant when he said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I am thankful to God for all that has come to me through the teachings of Christian Science as revealed to us by our Leader, Mrs. Eddy. Science and Health is indeed a "Key to the Scriptures," for it teaches us to love the Bible,—to search for and claim the promises found therein. While I am grateful beyond words for the physical healings, they are only the "signs following" which come through the spiritual understanding of God, infinite good and omnipotent Mind, and of man in His image and likeness. I want to express special gratitude for every word of our Leader's writings, for the Journal, Sentinel, and Monitor, and for the great privilege of class instruction. —

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