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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

The psalmist says, "It is a good...

From the July 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The psalmist says, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High." Surely it is a good thing for me to express with deepfelt love to God my gratitude for the blessings which I am receiving daily through the understanding of Christian Science gained from a study of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

Four years have elapsed since my healing after more than twenty years of illness. I was afflicted with tumors and a contraction of the intestines, to which were added stomach trouble and an affection of the nervous system. I submitted to three serious operations, which brought me a measure of relief, but a radical cure seemed out of the question. This was the opinion of various physicians, among them the foremost surgeons in this city, in view of the fact that the removal of a tumor which had grown around an artery was impossible. My suffering being great, however, a fourth operation was contemplated in order to bring relief, but I longed to die. In September, 1909, I stumbled and injured my ankle. I had three physicians, all of whom tried their best to help me, but without success, so that the fall left me with an added trouble.

It was then that I heard of a case of healing wrought through Christian Science, and this awakened in me the desire to become acquainted with this teaching. I was asked by a friend to go with her to a Christian Science practitioner, and during the first treatment I experienced a sense of trust which in turn made me resolve to do exactly as I was told. With the loving help of the practitioner and through the daily study of our text-book I was healed in five weeks, and realized that I lived, moved, and had my being in God. I had worn glasses for fifteen years, but was able to lay them aside while reading the hymn found on page 168 of our Hymnal. The recognition dawned upon me that I could see, and I gratefully testify that my healing from this defect has been permanent.

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