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Testimonies of Healing

The truth of the words, "Man's...

From the July 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The truth of the words, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity," was made clear to me when the hour seemed darkest. My little son, a strong, healthy child, became suddenly very ill with stomach and intestinal trouble, accompanied by nervousness and irritability. This condition grew worse, and developed into a severe case of infantile paralysis. Four physicians and a trained nurse were in attendance, sometimes all working at once over the child. For a night and a day he did not know any one and appeared to be in great agony. When he was quieted somewhat and consciousness returned, it was found that he was a physical wreck, with his jaw and one arm completely paralyzed. He was so nervous that he slept only when opiates were used, and he cried incessantly for food, which the physicians feared to give him.

For two weeks this condition remained unchanged; then the physicians held a final consultation and gave me as their verdict that while the child would possibly live, he would always be partially paralyzed, and a result deformed. They suggested a trip to California and electrical treatment, but held out little encouragement: My spirit rebelled at the verdict, and realizing that the physicians had given up hope of relief, I said to myself, If mortal man cannot help, surely God can.

I knew scarcely anything of Christian Science, and had not even an acquaintance in that city who was a Scientist, but I remembered having heard of some cases which had been cured by this treatment. I felt that something must be done at once, so decided then and there to trust in God and to study Christian Science. I put the crippled child in a baby carriage on the baggage car and took my two months' old baby and went to our little home in a mining camp not far away, but where I could be alone to do as I thought best. I knew nothing of Christian Science reading rooms or practitioners, but had heard the name of a man mentioned who was said to be a Scientist; so as soon as we arrived at our home I wrote to this man and asked him to send me a copy of Science and Health. He did so, and although I seemed to have no understanding, I read and reread the book with perfect faith.

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