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Testimonies of Healing

I am indeed grateful for the blessings...

From the July 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am indeed grateful for the blessings that have come to me through the study and application of the truths taught in Christian Science. Five years ago a malignant growth, for which an operation had been recommended by our family physician, was removed through the power of divine Love. For this helaing, and others as well, I am truly grateful, but more so for the spiritual understanding which enables me to have a brighter outlook on life and to see only good in my brother man. Recently I was able to prove that there is no pleasure to be derived from the tobacco habit, and I am very grateful for being delivered from this bondage.

The Bible has become an interesting book to me. Whereas before it was read and studied very little, now with the explanation given in Science and Health it is studied daily. I am also grateful for church membership, for the belssings that come while assisting in the church and Sunday school work, and for a clearer understanding of the truth, which enables me more fully to appreciate and enjoy our literature as well as our lectures.—

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