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From the July 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The realization that in the case of every human problem involving disease, sorrow, or pain, it is possible to receive an angel message which, if heard and trusted, will utterly annihilate the beliefs that would undo us, is something to be most grateful for. Mrs. Eddy gives this thought to us in words ever to be remembered (Science and Health, p. 574): "The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares." To be willing to acknowledge that there is an answer to every problem, a remedy for every discord, is often the first step out of our difficulties. When disease or trouble of any kind is presented to our thought, to turn from it and look to Mind, declaring in faith that the true manifestation, the spiritual idea, is present, is taking our stand with the eternal things. This is a step that has to be taken not only by the beginner, but by the more advanced student, who must remind himself to begin his work always with the joy of this acknowledgment.

The message that the angel has to deliver to us seems often delayed. This should not discourage us, for in the meantime we have a wonderful opportunity of increasing our faith and renewing our activity. Quiet, Joyous activity reveals a faith that the world knows not of, and daily work clearing away the rubbish of selfishness in all its varied forms becomes a happy process. Really, there is never any actual delay in the coming of the message. We may obstruct and block it so that it comes not to our human consciousness; but God's thoughts are constantly flowing to His children, and according to the purity of our thinking and living do they become available to us.

The message of the angel comes sometimes in a sudden flash of glory like a ray of sunlight; and sometimes like the peace of a sunset at eventide, when the true idea replaces the false concept. Then again, it may be, one experiences what Mrs. Eddy means when she says (Science and Health, p. 548): "Every agony of mortal error helps error to destroy error, and so aids the apprehension of immortal Truth. This is the new birth going on hourly, by which men may entertain angels, the true ideas of God, the spiritual sense of being."

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