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[Written for the Journal]


From the July 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is over:
The long race is run,
And the dream I dreamed is done;
Still through misty trails of dreamland
You are faring homeward, O beloved one!

Up the hillside,
Over thorn and stone
On you fare—but not alone.
There is but one upward pathway,
And that pathway is the patient Father's own.

Let this message
Every heartache rout;
Lay your loneliness and doubt,
Lay your sorrow, lay your burden
In the healing hand that God is holding out.

I am speaking
Through the dawn and dew,
Through the bird and flower, too;
In the fuller, larger language
Of the sea, the winds, the stars I speak to you.

O beloved,
Love all change defies!
Love is Life in highest guise!
I am living, I am loving,
And Love's living peace is shining in my eyes!

Listen, dear one,
And be comforted;
Naught that ever lived is dead:
Up, look up! I walk beside you—
Godward in God's light I walk with lifted head

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