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From the July 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many times I have been able to testify to the healing power of Truth and Love as understood in Christian Science. Lately, however, I have become conscious of the healing influence of the literature, which I feel should be gratefully acknowledged. The Monitor had usually been available to me, and I contented myself with reading the Home Forum page; but a few months ago I sent in my subscription, and started to read this newspaper in a systematic way, with the result that a tendency to extravagance, carelessness, and waste has been overcome. Through this study the perfect Principle of living was unfolded; and I found that Principle operates without waste or loss. Before this healing, anything desired, whether useful or otherwise, was purchased; if there was something which I did not need at the time, it was disposed of, perhaps to find later that I needed it,—then it was replaced; or if something had been sold to me which it was impossible for me to use, I threw it away, instead of recognizing that for my expenditure there was, according to the perfect law of adjustment, a right equivalent. I began to see that the perfect Mind, governing the universe harmoniously and in order, knows no waste, cannot be conscious of needless replacements, but must operate without the slightest loss. I was entirely ignorant of this phase of mortal mind as an error until it had been destroyed and cast out, thus proving again Mrs. Eddy's statement (Science and Health, p. 538), "Truth should, and does, drive error out of all. selfhood."

While I know I am now manifesting a sense of thrift, by no means is it a sense of limitation. I know that boundless supply is at hand just the same as before, in proportion as I need it and demonstrate it. The perspective that has been opened by the Monitor, of the world's work and the part each individual plays in the eternal plan of things, has somewhat educated mortal mind out of its limited sphere and taught me another lesson of the infinitude of God's creation, wherein the brotherhood of man is the ideal.

What a promise lies before us through Christian Science, and how each one is able to realize this by means of our literature. Every written word of Truth, whether it is read with full understanding or not, is at work destroying the hidden beliefs of evil which oftentimes lurk unknown and unsuspected in mortal mind until uncovered and destroyed by divine Love. Especially does this seem true of the Monitor; for while it is accepted as a newspaper, and read as such, in reality, as has been pointed out time and again, it presents a spiritual idea; and we know that a spiritual idea is like the word that goes forth from the mouth of the Lord, who says, "It shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

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