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Testimonies of Healing

During the past eighteen years I...

From the July 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During the past eighteen years I have been journeying from sense to Soul under the guiding and sustaining influence of the truth as taught by Christian Science. Time and again I have proved the healing power of God in my own experience and that of others.

When Christian Science was first brought to me, it aroused me from an unconscious condition. I had been given up to die by one of the best surgeons in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; other medical practitioners, and my then spiritual advisers, had likewise given up hope,—indeed, by all I had been lovingly prepared for "passing." Christian Science was recommended by one who had been very kind to me and whose presence seemed to help me, one who upon coming into my darkened room pulled up the shades and let in the sunlight and in a kindly, unobtrusive way seemed to impress me with hope. At the last hour, when all had left me, when medicine and opiates had been withdrawn and the verdict passed that I might live till midnight, then the kindly friend recommended Christian Science (not to me, for I was unconscious). A practitioner was brought to my bedside, and while being treated I regained a clear sense of my surroundings, a natural sleep came, and I awakened thoroughly refreshed, after sleeping all night. I got up and was dressed, and immediately began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. In ten days I felt absolutely free, mentally and physically, from all suffering.

I lived on the mountain top for months, but had to descend into the valley and work upward through spiritual understanding. In all the years that have come and gone since my healing, Christian Science has never failed to bring me help and comfort when properly applied and faithfully relied upon. When sorrow encompassed me, I was comforted by the truth. When it seemed in my experience as a pioneer that I was beset before and behind, when friends seemed to prove faithless and enemies slandered, I was given strength to endure, and at times compelled to seek higher ground. At other times I was gently led to see my own shortcomings and mistakes and given the glorious comfort of a strong sense of Truth's correction, not condemnation. At no time have I lost faith in the glorious Principle of the Christ-healing. I am absolutely convinced that with God, Truth, "all things are possible;" if there is any tardiness in healing, any failure, the fault is not with Truth but rather due to lack of understanding thereof.

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