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Testimonies of Healing

The time has come when I can no...

From the July 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The time has come when I can no longer refrain from telling what Christian Science has done for our family. In April, 1914, I was taken with a severe cold, and a physician stated it was the beginning of acute lung trouble. There was such a distressing cough with it that I could not sleep, so the physician prescribed some medicine which caused a restless sleep, but on awaking I coughed worse than ever. This went on for four days, and then I told the physician he need not call again,—that I was going to get up. He expressed great astonishment and said that I was by no means well and should remain in bed for some time; but I assured him that I was going to get up and intended to try Christian Science, although I did not know anything about it except that it was good.

I therefore got up and went to my work. Being a traveling salesman it was necessary for me to take a train, and on it I met a friend, who after being questioned closely, informed me he had taken up the study of Christian Science, and that was the reason for the great change which I had noticed. On being told that I was in great need of help from some source, he took me to his room, when we arrived at our destination, and asked me to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, which I gladly did until about ten o'clock, when I went to bed. I awoke the next morning at seven o'clock feeling rested. I had not coughed all night and did not cough again, for I was completely healed.

I then saw that I had found the "pearl of great price." I brought the news home to my wife and two little girls, and later my wife was healed of an ulcerated tooth, of chronic headaches from which she had suffered for years, and of a stomach trouble from which five doctors told her she would never get relief unless she submitted to a severe operation. Before coming into Christian Science our little girls, during the winter months especially, were troubled with hard colds, fevers, and bronchial coughs; but these ills have all been overcome by applying the truth as taught in Christian Science. I have also overcome worry and discouragement, and my work is now like play.

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