I should like to give this testimony to show what Christian Science has done for me. Nearly four years ago, when I was in Kashmir, a friend sent me the address of a Christian Science practitioner in case at any time I should want help from her. I had read some Christian Science literature, but very spasmodically, had been much interested, and thought I would like to test it. I had suffered from bowel disorder since I was a child, and had been treated by physicians, but got no better; in fact, at one time it was feared I might get stoppage. This Christian Science practitioner resided in Simla, so I wrote to her and she gave me absent treatment for nearly a fortnight, at the end of which time I was cured. I know it was my fear that prevented the demonstration being made before this. I am perfectly well now and am convinced that there is no inherent power whatever in any drug, and that if I had not come to Christian Science I should still be suffering.
The spiritual uplift I now feel is simply wonderful. This, I may say, has come to me during the past year. At the time of my healing I was very grateful for the physical help, and this caused me to study Christian Science; now I could not live without its help. Words cannot express my gratitude. — Octacamund, Nilgiri Hills, South India.