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From the March 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AN appellation for Christ Jesus which is cherished by all Christian Scientists is that of "the Wayshower." The pathway in which he trod is the way, and he admonished all mankind to follow after him. As he himself has said, "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way"—because undeviating from righteousness and truth, and because it admits of no compromise with error. Though few may know it, all must finally seek this way, for all will eventually look for the mitigation of trials in one form or another; all will desire salvation from the ways of the world. There are many signposts along this road, but one should not at the crossroads choose a turning that leads in roundabout ways; he should always seek that which will enrich his existence, that particular something that will make his life more complete, more satisfying.

Now Jesus constantly acknowledged his Father's direction, guidance, and support in everything he did. He knew that by and of himself he was powerless. He continually affirmed that it was the God-power which he reflected that alone did the works. Now one need not seek hither and yon for that something that satisfies the heart. He need only ally himself with the truth about God, and find his own relationship to Him. As the rays of the sun are countless, so are the ideas of God which proceed from their divine source. The infinite, individual ideas of God are His reflections. They radiate from Him; they emanate from Him; they reflect Him. He is their controller, their governor. This being true, men need no longer pursue a wandering course, chasing, as it were, a will-o'-the-wisp; for God has established each one of His ideas in its true course. Man is established, directed, maintained, sustained, and retained forever in his own individual course. An idea cannot be turned from its course one iota, for there is a law of attraction that holds it in its place. The realization of man's unity with his Maker is not attained by humanity in a moment; but Love, the motive power of man, endues man with ever renewed energy as he travels the pathway from sense testimony to the realization of Soul.

There may come a time in the experience of many, when discouragement appears to be the leading factor in whatever developments the day brings forth. At these testing times the message of our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. vii), "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings," comes with especial helpfulness. Here the reader pauses quite involuntarily, that his thought may compass the wealth of meaning underlying those significant words. Who are "those" referred to, and what does "leaning on the sustaining infinite" mean? One's thought might travel backward to the days of the prophets of old, as he selects, for example, those who were believers in the coming of Jesus, the Way-shower, known to them as the promised Messiah,—as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and many others who came before and after them. The first named is repeatedly referred to in the Scriptures as "our father Abraham." This is true because he was unquestionably recognized throughout the periods recorded in the Bible, as a prophet, or one who in all things was governed by his understanding of the infinite.

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